Jacki joined our team of designers about two months ago. We went crazy over her adorable teddy bears- and we knew she would be the perfect compliment to our business.
Here are some fun facts about Jacki:
When did you start crocheting?
My grandmother taught me to knit when I was 7 or 8 years old....I think I was in my early 20’s when I taught myself to crochet.
What inspired you to keep it up?
I’ve put it down and picked it back up several times over the years depending on how busy I was with kids and ministry and work. Now that I am home helping to care for my grandson, I have lots of time for it and I’m loving it.
What is your favorite thing to crochet?
I tend to like to get into the more complicated things….sweaters and such….but I just love to see something come out of nothing so knitting or crocheting anything is very satisfying to me.
I’ve put it down and picked it back up several times over the years depending on how busy I was with kids and ministry and work. Now that I am home helping to care for my grandson, I have lots of time for it and I’m loving it.
What is your favorite thing to crochet?
I tend to like to get into the more complicated things….sweaters and such….but I just love to see something come out of nothing so knitting or crocheting anything is very satisfying to me.
What is your favorite yarn to work with?
I love to work with good quality yarn when I can afford it….I also love to work with cotton yarn. It never occurred to me to design my own patterns until I met up with the ladies of Baby Buttons Design….they have challenged me to come up with designs of my own and I’ve enjoyed discovering that I could.
I love to knit and crochet whenever I have the time….right now that’s during the day as well as the evenings…I love to stay up pretty late when the house is quiet…so I get a lot done then.
Tell us a little about yourself:
Over the years I have had my hand in many things….being a stay-at-home Mom…catering…real estate and a lot of church related leadership and ministry. I came to Texas (via Toronto Canada and Jackson Tennessee) about 7 months ago…with my husband and pregnant daughter. Now I am a very happy and blessed grandmother to Kai Trevor and get to help care for him so my daughter Val can get on her feet and make a home for her and Kai. I am so blessed and grateful to have been invited to join the Baby Buttons team. It has given me an outlet for doing what I love and the opportunity to grow in relationship with some amazing women.
As well as the knitting and crocheting….I love to cook…and mostly I love to have my home filled with people enjoying some good food and one another.My favorite beverage is hot tea….it’s a Canadian thing…lol…but a glass of good wine is a close second.
Hmmmm…..if I could only have one food for a week…it would have to be pizza..veggie pizza…I LOVE PIZZA!
When did you start making your own patterns?
When is your favorite time to crochet?
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Most of my inspiration comes from looking around online to see what’s out there and figuring out how to make it my own….from customer requests…and from brainstorming with my fellow Baby Buttons designers.
Over the years I have had my hand in many things….being a stay-at-home Mom…catering…real estate and a lot of church related leadership and ministry. I came to Texas (via Toronto Canada and Jackson Tennessee) about 7 months ago…with my husband and pregnant daughter. Now I am a very happy and blessed grandmother to Kai Trevor and get to help care for him so my daughter Val can get on her feet and make a home for her and Kai. I am so blessed and grateful to have been invited to join the Baby Buttons team. It has given me an outlet for doing what I love and the opportunity to grow in relationship with some amazing women.
What are some of your other interests or hobbies:
What is your favorite beverage?
And just for fun: If you were stuck with one food for a whole week, what would you eat and why?
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