Summer Fun idea from Baby Buttons
With summer being here…I have enjoyed having the grandchildren over. But there are times that they are tired of the same toys and it’s too hot to go outside. So we make Play dough together. It’s
easy and they have fun for hours using cookie cutters with it or just creating animals, volcanos or funny faces. I thought you might want to do it also. The recipe is:
Play Dough
1 cup of flour
½ tsp. of salt
2 tsp. Cream of tartar (found with spices)
1 cup of water
1 Tbls. Cooking oil
A drop or two of food coloring of your choice
In a saucepan, mix flour, salt and cream of tartar. Add water, cooking oil and several drops of food coloring. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.
The mixture will pull away from the sides of the pan.
Knead immediately. Play or store in a plastic bag.
I like it better than what you buy in the store! And the kids love the
idea of making it with you. I usually put a plastic tablecloth on the
table, and bring out the cookie cutters, play dough sets or even
potato head parts. It’s great to see their creativity and you get to
enjoy the fun!
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