Joanne is my Mom and she and I started this business together about a year ago. She is the creator of all of our blankets and most of our hats, and most recently diaper covers! .
When did you start crocheting?
When my first child was born, my grandmother taught me how to crochet granny squares...that's all I did. We had granny square placemats, table runners...anything I could think of.
Then when Kathryn was ready to have her first born, I was determined to crochet again. A lady in my church crocheted and I went to get a refresher from her of how to crochet again. I learned one stitch and made a blanket. I then decided to try making other things like hats and such. I've yet to learn a pattern.
What inspired you to keep it up?
Making blankets and hats for my grandchildren. Then making them as gifts for baby showers. I now love making new things for Baby Buttons Design, and the creativity of it all.
What is your favorite thing to crochet (blanket, hats, booties, etc)?
I love making hats...and I'd say the baby bottoms come in next...well, I love making the blankets too....okay, I love it all!!
What is your favorite yarn to work with?
Caron yarn as it's soft, has beautiful colors and has a nice presentation when done...not too bulky, not too light.
When did you start making your own patterns?
Right from the beginning...I haven't tried to learn a pattern and I love the freedom to create. Even with the same design, because it isn't by pattern, it feels very custom made.
When is your favorite time to crochet?
Evenings ... it's a rest and create time for me.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
People who ask for specific things, watching for new designs in shops and magazines and what children wear. Most of all just creating and praying for new ideas. God was the greatest creator and I feel in my small way, His creativity is shown to me and we can create together. I love blessing the one who will have the item while I am making it.
Tell us a little about yourself:
I love my Canadian heritage but I'm also thankful for what I have gained living in the U.S. I grew up in a family that dreamed dreams and took the risk to see them fullfilled...which has been a great motivation for me. I have been married for 37 years to a man who loves to dream with me. Such a blessing! We have 4 children that are successful, love being together as family and whom we are so proud of. We also have 6 grandchildren and two more on the way!! My cup overflows! I love being a wife, mom and grandma...they have all been a great part of my journey. My husband and I are also counselors with our business called Awakening Hearts Ministries...which is another passion. We love to see people walking in freedom. Something our family enjoys together is bargain hunting, whether at the grocery, yard sales(treasure hunts) or coupons...we share the news and try to one-up each other with our "deal of the day". It's so much fun and a big help to know where the latest deal is. Yup, I love my family.
What are some of your other interests or hobbies:
Our cabin in Red River is my foremost love. We have an original log cabin called Cabin by the Creek in the Sangre de Christo mountains. It's on a creek looking at the national forest. A dream come true! We get up there as often as we can...but rent it out inbetween.
Another is gardening. I love to see the beauty it brings and be able to share that with others...whether sitting and enjoying or giving away plants. My husband had a dream that the whole backyard is a garden!...
Last, I love to redecorate the house...mostly by rearranging things....nothing drastic. But change is nice and good for the soul....unless you trip over a chair that wasn't there before :)
One of my favorite quotes is from the movie, Chariots of Fire...."I run because I feel God's pleasure" That is my motivation to do many things that I love; because I feel God's pleasure.
Oh, and did I mention I have the greatest grandkids to be with?!?!
What is your favorite beverage?
Wine....I love to sip wine with my husband or friends....so, lovely!
And just for fun: If you were stuck with one food for a whole week, what would you eat and why?
Bread and butter! I love bread! Yes, I know man shall not live by bread alone...but I could give it a try!! My favorite is Artisan bread with rosemary.
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