A year ago, I decided to start selling some of my crochet items. At the time, I only made baby booties and a few hats. My Mom had started making these gorgeous blankets, and we decided we had nothing to lose if we stuck with custom work only. It wasn't until November hit that I decided to start to go after getting our name out there more aggressively. It all started with one small giveaway and a 20% discount the last 2 weeks of November. We were shocked and amazed when orders started pouring in. I am still continuously blessed that they haven't stopped since. I absolutely love running this business and most of all seeing your creativity blossom into something unique and beautiful. Without further ado, here's a little bit about me:
When did you start crocheting? I was 8 months pregnant with my son, Timothy and completely miserable! It was winter time and he ended up being 10 days late AND over 10 pounds when he was born. I had seen my Mom crochet blankets and scarfs and I finally begged her to teach me too. I crocheted scarfs for my husbands entire family along with a few other people. It was the perfect way to keep my mind off of just "waiting" for baby to come.
What inspired you to keep it up? I get easily bored and don't like doing the same thing over and over again. I'm also a bit of a perfectionist and wanted to learn more technique and skill besides just doing a single crochet stitch. I bought a few crochet books and watched tons of youtube videos on how to crochet and soon I was making baby clothes and booties. I even made an entire sweater for my Mom (don't ask me to do that again).
What is your favorite thing to crochet? Booties are still my very favorite thing to crochet along with flowers. I still haven't gotten bored with them! =)
What is your favorite yarn to work with? I really love Caron Simply Soft for all my newborn booties and hats. I think it has a beautiful shine to it and retains it softness well. For adults and older children, I have loved Vanna's choice. She makes some awesome colors!! BUT the cream of the crop will always be organic cotton- you absolutely will never find anything softer than this yarn. It is amazing to work with!
When did you start making your own patterns? After I crocheted the sweater for my Mom, I was completely disgusted with the inconsistency of patterns. I found that not everyone uses the same language, and that there were a lot of "gaps" in the over all pattern. After trial and error and learning a lot of different stitches, I began developing my own patterns for booties and eventually moved to flowers as well.
When is your favorite time to crochet? It used to be night time! But ever since I became pregnant with my third, I am finding it harder and harder to stay up and crochet. I love to crochet and watch a movie. In fact, I can look at almost any crochet project that I have done and tell you the exact movie that I watched while doing it. I listen so much better when I have my hands busy- I'm odd, I know.
Where do you get your inspiration from? A good deal of my inspiration comes from what everyone sends me! You ladies are full of some incredible ideas. I've tried to not turn down a single one. Outside of that, I get ideas from clothing stores and by seeing what other little girls and boys are wearing.
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a stay at home Mom married for six years to the only guy I have ever dated or kissed (YES ONLY- and NO I was not sheltered lol). We have two hilarious children- Isabel (5) and Timothy (2) and a little one on the way (I'm about 15 weeks along). I was born in Kentucky but completely raised in Texas.
What are some of your other interests or hobbies: I love old things!! Antiques, records, books, paintings, furniture- I LOVE IT! I have quite an old soul and can be very old fashioned. I love reading a good book- especially a good novel. I also love playing the piano. I used to do cross-stitching but I have long since abandoned that because it took way too long. I enjoy singing and writing and long conversations. OH! And let's not forget coffee! Buon Giorno coffee has THEE best decaf coffee I have ever tasted in my life. I collect Starbucks coffee cups from around the world (the city and country kind). I really like coffee.
What is your favorite beverage? Did I mention I like coffee? lol.
And just for fun: If you were stuck with one food for a whole week, what would you eat and why? One food? I came up with this question, and I don't even know how to answer it?! I like food. I would probably want butter with bread and cheese. ok that's three food items. That's the best I can do.
Now that you've been introduced to all three of us, tell us a little bit about yourself? Are you as addicted to coffee as I am? Did you used to hate tuna like Amy? Do you have nearly eight grandchildren like Joanne? Share some of your hobbies and interests with us!
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